
Get Ready for Winter With ENERGY STAR Vinyl Replacement Windows

Cold weather will be here before you know it. When the snow starts falling and temperatures drop, you want your home to be a warm, cozy place to snuggle up. But if your windows are old and drafty, winter can feel extra chilly indoors no matter how high you beat the heat.

Don’t let another freezing season catch you by surprise. This is the perfect time to eliminate those old, inefficient windows and replace them with brand new ENERGY STAR-rated vinyl windows. These special windows are built to keep your home toasty and comfortable when it’s frigid outside.

With top-quality vinyl replacement windows, you can settle in next to the glass and watch the snowflakes without feeling an icy chill. Your heating bills will go down while your coziness goes up. You’ll stay warm and content all winter long!

Stay Warm and Cozy with Vinyl Replacement Windows

When winter comes, do you pile on extra blankets at night or avoid sitting next to drafty windows? Old, leaky windows can make your home feel chilly, even when the heat is cranked up. That’s because cold air seeps in through the cracks and the inside window surface becomes frigid, pulling warmth away from you. You end up feeling uncomfortable, even if the thermostat says it’s plenty warm indoors.

Installing new vinyl replacement windows is the solution to this cold weather woe. ENERGY STAR certified vinyl windows are designed to insulate your home and block drafts, keeping you toasty warm all winter long. You can comfortably curl up next to the window and watch the snow fall without freezing!

Save Money and Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

More efficient windows don’t just keep you warm – they also save you money and help the environment. That’s because they prevent heat from escaping, so your heating system doesn’t have to work as hard. Less energy gets wasted.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, replacing old single-pane windows with ENERGY STAR vinyl windows can save the average household:

  • $101 to $583 annually on utility bills
  • The equivalent of 51 to 317 gallons of gasoline worth of greenhouse gas emissions

Even swapping out double-pane windows results in considerable savings:

  • $27 to $197 per year on heating and cooling costs
  • The equivalent of 13 to 102 gallons of gas worth of emissions prevented

So vinyl replacement windows pay for themselves through lower energy bills while reducing your home’s carbon footprint.

Enjoy an Evenly Heated Home

Have you noticed some rooms feeling stiflingly hot in summer while others are ice cold when winter comes? Inconsistent temperatures are a sign of inefficient windows. Standard double-pane windows allow around 75% of the sun’s heat to pass through the glass unobstructed.

ENERGY STAR rated vinyl windows have a special glazing that blocks intense summer heat without making your home too dark. In winter, multiple panes of insulated glass keep the cold air outside where it belongs. Your whole house stays evenly warm and comfortable.

Protect Furniture and Floors from Sun Damage

Not only do quality vinyl windows regulate temperatures, they also block the sun’s damaging ultraviolet rays. Special coatings act like sunscreen, preventing up to 75% of UV light from fading your furniture, photographs, wood floors, and carpets.

While allowing plenty of visible light to brighten your living spaces, these innovative window coatings filter out the harsh invisible rays that prematurely age your belongings over time. Your valuables and home interior stay looking fresh for years.

Tips To Make Your Vinyl Replacement Windows Winter-Ready

Inspect and Clean Take a close look at all your vinyl windows. Wipe down the frames and tracks to remove any dirt, dust or debris that has built up. This allows the windows to open, close and lock properly.

  • Check for Leaks
    Carefully examine the caulking around each window frame. If you see any cracks or gaps, re-caulk those areas. This seals out drafts that can make your home feel chilly.
  • Install Weather Stripping
    If the weather stripping around your windows is worn or missing, replace it with new vinyl strips. Weatherstripping blocks air leaks and helps insulate the windows.
  • Cover With Plastic
    For an extra layer of insulation, install plastic window insulation kits. These transparent sheets attach tightly over the interior of your vinyl windows to prevent heat loss.
  • Add Window Coverings
    Hang up insulated curtains or shades to cover your vinyl windows at night or when it’s extremely cold out. This extra barrier helps retain warmth inside.

Get Your Vinyl Replacement Windows from Window Liquidators

This winter, don’t resign yourself to wearing extra layers indoors. Replace your old drafty windows with top-of-the-line vinyl models and enjoy a cozy, evenly heated abode. You’ll reduce energy costs while protecting the environment – and your house. Everybody stays warmer and happier when cold air is kept outside.

When it’s time to upgrade to new, energy-efficient vinyl windows for the winter, Window Liquidators is the place to go. We have a huge selection of high-quality vinyl replacement windows at great prices.


Q: What are the benefits of vinyl replacement windows in winter?
A: Vinyl replacement windows help keep your home warm, cozy, and energy-efficient during the cold winter months.

Q: How can I get my vinyl windows ready for winter?
A: Clean the frames, check for leaks, install weatherstripping, cover with plastic insulation, and add insulated window coverings.

Q: Where can I buy high-quality vinyl replacement windows?
A: Window Liquidators offers a great selection of top-brand, energy-efficient vinyl windows at affordable prices.

Q: Why should I replace my old windows with vinyl before winter?
A: New vinyl windows will make your home more comfortable, lower your heating bills, and protect your furniture from sun damage.

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